Articles on: How to

How To Avoid or Prevent Copyright Takedowns

If you've been experiencing issues regarding copyright notices or even takedowns regarding your material being streamed on streaming platforms, take a look into the following solutions.

Users Without Copyright Ownership

To ensure that your stream does not get interrupted, It is generally recommended to use non-copyrighted music and content to avoid copyright takedown notices, effective way to do this is to utilise the YouTube Audio Library, which gives you a wide range of free music to use in your videos without worrying about copyright.

You could also utilise alternative sources of uncopyrighted music, such as:


Don't feel limited to only these sources, if it's not copyrighted, you're good to go!

You can find the Youtube Audio Library in your Youtube Studio

For Artists, Purchased Music holders, Copyright Holders, and Labels.

If you have the rights to the content you wish to stream and/or you are streaming and still getting copyright notices regarding you streaming your own material.

If you're an Artist or purchased Music - you would have to contact your music distributor (e.g Distrokid) to exempt your channel from the systems which are looking for copyrighted materials

If you're a YouTube Partner, you can exempt channels from the Content ID check by heading over to [This Guide], this is also especially important if you are a Label allowing other users to use the content under your name ( provided by Google

Article of interest provided by Google regarding how Content ID and Copyright are handled can be found here
Don't also forget to check each platform's documentations regarding copyright - as each platform might have different stances on handling copyrighted material

Updated on: 29/01/2024

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